Musical Theater


Musical Theater is celebrating its 22nd anniversary this year. This is our most consistent programs and has been a staple of our school since 1998. Our students practice and our teachers work really hard all year long to create this magnificent show. 

We hope you’ll enjoy every theatrical  performance on behalf of the many teachers that go above and beyond, the PTA board for bringing it all together and the students for their hard work and time to make every one a success.

Auditions and Participation

Musical Theater will hold auditions for all students from 3rd through 5th grade. Audition dates will be scheduled soon. 

This program requires children to audition and perform. Once the selection for the casts are made, we will be updating the schedule for practice after school.  

Program for All

Musical Theater is a program that touches everyone. The show is performed 6-7 times during a 3-4 day period. Every child is invited during the day to see their classmates perform. And boy are they excited! In the evening, we invite everyone in the community to see these magnificent cast members perform their hearts out. 

Ticket information and VIP seating is available. Notices will go home with more information. We encourage you to come and enjoy their hard work.  It’s truly amazing and let’s support our students with warm friendly Laser family encouragement.  

WLE Musical Theater through the Years

2018-2019: Little Mermaid

2017-2018: Beauty and the Beast

2016-2017: Shrek

2017-2018: Can’t Wait to be King