It is important for students to be aware of the importance of good personal appearance. School is a place of work. Clothing should be clean and neat and fit appropriately. Clothing should be appropriate for the weather or indoor temperature. Shoes should fit properly and be of a style that will enable students to participate safely in all school activities. Open toe shoes and shoes without back straps are not acceptable. Parents may be called to bring proper clothing or shoes to school if the dress code is not in compliance. William Lehman Elementary has a MANDATORY UNIFORM POLICY.
All removable articles of clothing (sweaters, jackets, etc.) should have the student’s name written inside them. Lost and misplaced clothing is collected and available to be reclaimed in the office.
The Miami-Dade County Public School Policy dress code for elementary schools is as follows:
- No metal football cleats on shoes
- No clogs, thongs, sandals or other shoes without back straps. No open toe shoes.
- No written messages, symbols or other pictures on clothing which portray ideas that are contrary to the best interest of the health, safety and welfare of students (i.e., messages that are profane or that promote the use of tobacco, drugs or alcohol)
- Shorts must be long enough to cover the buttocks.
- No clothes with metal studs that could scratch furniture
- No tube tops, see-through blouses, backless tops, tops that do not cover the midriff, or sleeveless shirts; and
- No hats, except those worn for religious purposes.